Assalamualaikum Bun kehamilan aku 5minggu tapi nge flek itu normal ga si Bun
Darah nya kecoklatan

Wah, sounds like your little one has some dark blood? Well, that's not unusual. Sometimes babies have darker blood when it's a bit older. But if you're concerned, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional just to be sure. In the meantime, have you checked out Mama Choice? It's a fantastic product range specifically designed for baby and children's skin. You can find it on Shopee with a special promo right now:
Baca lagisama Bun aku juga gtu kehamilan 6w3d ngplek Mulu udh betres juga masih ngplek Mulu udh di kasih obat penguat kandungan sama pemberhentian pendarahan masih bun tpi di USG janin ada
konsul aja bun ke bidan/dokter klo hmil itu hrs lbh peka qta nya.. hrs gercep klo ada tanda2 yg tak wajar🙏
Sebaiknya langsung konsul ke dr kandungan bund
kalo sudah ke dokter, bedrest total ya
maaf bun hpht kpn ya?
Ikut bertanya juga
Bermimpi menjadi orangtua