Morning Sickness
Currently 8th week pregnant and having morning sickness throughout. Can anyone please give me some assurance that morning sickness will actually stop at the end of trimester 1??? I cant take it anymore!!!! 😭😭😭😭

My morning sickness was so severe that i couldn’t have any food/drink down for 4 days back to back and i was severely dehydrated till i was admitted to sgh. Sgh took care of me very well and gave me 8 iv drips over 2 days period and also administered pregnancy safe nausea medication both orally and via injection. Finally being able to keep food down felt like a miracle and i was glad i admitted myself to sgh
Read moreI’m also having bad morning sickness after I ended work today, now affecting my sleep 😩 but yes it will pass! You’re halfway there! Most people don’t have morning sickness once second trimester starts. This is my second pregnancy so I’m taking it better than the first cos I alr know what to expect 🤣
Read moreI had morning sickness throughout my pregnancy until delivery for my first child. Made me really miserable and relied on diclectin for the whole pregnancy. Now currently also having bad morning sickness - on diclectin since w6 and it helps a lot… hang in there! Go get some meds, so it helps!
Yes I had it very bad for my first pregnancy. Almost went into depression 😅 drink plain water also will vomit out. Hang in there!! It is worth it, when u hold your baby in your arms ❤️ and yes by week 13-15 MS should subside
I tried accupunture. It helped for me! My naseau reduced dramatically. However, it only lasts 1 week so I have to go accupunture every week to keep the naseua away.
actually some mummies do experience this until delivery sadly. but for most it’ll go away by week 14. hang in there
Take ginger tea, orange peel and make sure you are hydrated! It helps!
Same here. Week 13 now. 🤢😭🤢😭