Morning sickness
Hi mummies, Usually when will morning sickness stop? I’m currently approaching week 12 and I’m still having nauseousness. It’s super uncomfortable and it started getting worst at week 9….. I can’t wait for this miserable feeling to be over

It varies for individuals. Generally, second trimester is the “smooth” period. I didn’t have MS until week 38.. then stopped at week 39. Can try to request nausea pills from gynae to see if it helps.
Same here.. past 2 days, my appetite increased and I could eat normally, but today I suddenly started feeling unwell again 🥹 seems like on off.. I’m at 11 weeks. Jiayou together 😊
week 11 going to week 12 too. Still having morning sickness. It's easing, though. How's it going for you? really looking forward to the honeymoon second trimester :)
Try eating green apples?