Is coughing and sneezing normal for a 3 weeks old baby ? Should I bring her to a doctor ?

Sneezing is definitely normal. But I am it so sure about coughing? Does she sound like she has phlegm and was anyone else in the house sick recently?if she is coughing quite often and not the clear throat type I think it is better to bring her to see the PD. When they are so young they won't be given cough medicine but to be sure her lungs are clear do have the PD listen to her. My gal was born with a lot of phlegm since birth. Everyone including the polyclinic pd said at first it is saliva not phlegm. I listened to them because they are the professionals and more experienced than me. But after one month I listened to my mothers instinct and knew something wasn't right. Brought her to see PD and she was diagnosed with mild laryngomalacia ( a weak tissue at vocal chord) and what we always heard was phlegm. So my point is listen to your mother's instinct
Read moreHi, I think sneezing and coughing is quite normal in newborn babies. Sneezing is nothing to worry about, but if coughing persists then you should see a doctor in time before it increases. They are just a few weeks into this world and they are adjusting to the new environment. Breast milk takes care of everything common that affects the baby. Your milk will take care of this cough and sneezing. You can put a folded blanket under her mattress to elevate it a little so that his sinus drain out. Babies generally cough and sneeze for the same reasons as we do, that is, because of dust, weather change. When babies sneezes, it means he is clearing his nose.
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