What is your most common breastfeeding problem?

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Low volume of breastmilk
Abrasion or bleeding nipples
Mastitis (Inflammation)
Clogged ducts
Others (Comment below)

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I have low supply no matter what I drink, eat or do. So I have to alternate with formula as baby grows but manage to bf till 2yr+. I always envy those who have enough bm supply.

VIP Member

I have overflow milk and my breast got really really big.. it’s so painful

Sometimes there is over supply and sometimes there is less supply

I always worry my milk supply isn’t enough for my little one

VIP Member

Low volume.. Actually biggest problem is not able to DL fully

Super Mum

Engorgement & low supply for both pregnancy 😔

Baby not latching well, low volume and soreness.

I was very lucky, had almost no problem

I think its the clogged duct

VIP Member

I simply cannot produce more