Would you give up your career for your children?
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I would not give up motherhood in favor of a career. I am sure that motherhood will not become a hindrance to building a career, moreover, in the era of developing online professions, a career can be made with a small child in your arms. Freelance jobs are endless. The main thing is to prepare a good resume that can accurately reflect your strengths and thus impress the employer, https://skillroads.com/free-resume-review will be able to review the resume and check it for errors. This approach to job search will definitely increase the chances of getting a good job, and for mothers on maternity leave as well.

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Our children need us. especially sa first five years. kaya dedma ako sa mga nangjujudge sakin na "Taong bahay" LANG daw ako at walang trabaho. I know what's best for my children and that is my full attention.

Child is more important than career. But still, we need to earn some money to prepare and buy things. 🥺


Both is important but now on my priority is my child

ang trabaho pwede sa bahay work from home

So need to quit..


for now


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