675 responses
i’ll usually go by the roundabout approach, to get her to open up naturally. no point pressuring her when it will only make her clam up. allow her to realise on her own
Giving them the difference in consequences of telling the truth vs lying. And also telling them about taking the responsibility of solving the issue
Need to teach the value of honesty, so they know. At some point, they might tell a white lie, but they need to know why.
In the end, they will still get scolded for both consequences But it’s just which one will be more harsh
Telling the truth wont get them punish severely. But if caught lying, will reprimand them badly
Talk about the importance of telling the truth and not punish the child for doing so
Telling them of the after effect it brings when they lie and if its positive or not
Let him feel comfortable about telling e truth and not needing to hide anything.
Explain the consequences and how important telling the truth is.
Explain how that would make me the most disappointed out of all