Can I check if hfmd must be accompanied by fever? if spots without fever could it be something else? I'm praying it's not hfmd..

HFMD need not be accompanies by fever and the symptoms may varied from each child as well. My 18months just got it and she's not even in school yet. I first spotted red spots over both her feet but there was none on her hands or mouth. Then over the next few days, more spots on her body and on the 3rd day the ulcers appeared on her tongue and inside her mouth. You might need to monitor a couple of days to determine what it might be. Here's a good article to take ref :
Read moreHfmd could present without fever. The best is to bring your child to the doctor for a propoer diagnosis. This virus is highly contagious and your child should limit contact with others to prevent others from contracting it. You can also get it from your child if he/she is indeed having it. Therefore, it is best to consult your doctor for a proper assessment.
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