Giving birth
Hi is c sec or natural birth better the pros n cons. I have urine leakage when i sneeze n laugh on my pregnancy

Hello you can discuss with your gynae too. Normal delivery is considered to be healthy for women and bound to cause least side effects in future. But in some cases, due to emergency the gynae has to perform C-sec and take the baby out to save both the mother and the baby in that case we cannot forcefully request/ask for normal delivery. Normal delivery recovery time is faster, even if you got bigger tear can recover completely in a month or max 45 days. For C-sec I think it takes 3-4 months to recover fully. Better to take epidural during normal delivery in you cannot bear the pain. Once you did C-sec mostly the next pregnancy will also be C-sec very few go for VBAC(Vaginal birth after C-sec).
Read moreusually gynae would recommend natural unless deemed necessary for c sect.