How often do you shop. online for baby items?
How often do you shop. online for baby items?
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When there is a sale
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daily and add the cart first after compare the price.with others shop or seller.then after that will chckout it and make a payment after compare with one better need to choose n buy 😉 #TAPSupermoms

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guess most of us buy during sales and stock up ya 🤭(for those items where expiry is long or not so much of a concern)

Most of the time are comparing prices😬 only shop during sale period, for example 9/9, 11/11

We mostly shop weekly for baby items as there is always something or the other remaining hehe

Usually when there's sale, it's cheaper to buy disposables in bulk too.

When some stuff is not available in stores or is more expensive.

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Monthly or when there’s sales

Whenever there are good deals

whenever I see something

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When there is a sale