Sufficient to have 1 set electric breast pump?
Bought a spectra s9+ thinking for both home and office usage. I saw some replies that s9+ is not as efficient? Has anyone used s9+ for both home and office and works fine? If it doesn't, please share. Thank you

I had s9+ with me when i went for a 2d1n trip. And it was really wrong move. I had s1 at home. S1 clear my boobs really well in 20 to 30 min. S9+ i need to take about 45 min to 1 hour and boobs not fully cleared kind. For usuage like few times a day when out ok you still need better one to prevent it from affecting your supply.
Read moreIt really depends on your milk production. Some mothers have oversupply issues and found that S9 doesn’t clear the boobs as well as S1 which is of a hospital grade and with better suction. The thing is that if you don’t clear your boobs well, milk production will be affected and you may end up with blocked ducts.
Read moreI have both s1 & s9+ for my first preg loan from my neighbour and colleague. But I prefer to use s9+ for both home and work. Just need to charge daily. More convenient and lighter to bring around. Now 2nd preg, I will get my own set of s9+ only.
i depends on you...i had both S9 and S1 for my 1st pregnancy...but eventually sold my S1 cos its so bulky and S9 did a pretty good job!
I tried both s9 and s1. Hated s9 haha I had so many lumps