boleh ke susu formula di campur2 ?? contohnya siang : brand A malam : brand B baby 4 bulan .. motif untuk naikkan berat badan #ingintahu #SeriusTanya #bantusharing #bantujawab

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nope tak boleh & tak digalakkan campur brand. kalau satu brand so satu brand je focus unless brand tu tak sesuai then you need to change another brand. susu fm ni kena focus one brand and try error. ikut sesuai baby. macam baby i minum dupro berat naik cantik. so baby i sesuai cuma susu dupro. bcs she dah try banyak susu fm. same goes with your baby. try dulu satu brand, if berat dia naik cantik then can stick brand tu je.

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tak digalakkan.

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