Quality Management in Government Schools & Socio-cultural development

The biggest difference between education in the private and the public sectors is not what students learn but what teachers and principals do in order to deliver an unforgettable education. In recent years this has led to a shift in how government schools interact with their students and their parents. Students are brave and optimistic individuals who put their own ideals and interests above those of others. Despite being taught to be subservient to authority figures, children today resist taking orders from teachers and prefer to think for themselves. This makes them good role models for others because they always seek out new information and evaluate based on its merit. Let’s dive into Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Aspects of Education Spiritual development"" is also conducive to an emotionally healthy and prosperous childhood. Students should be encouraged to think about faith and moral issues from a young age, and that moral development should be given weight in the curriculum. Few social issues are more directly relevant to young people than climate change, and yet very few schools help their students think critically about the issue. Moral development involves supporting students to make considered choices around their behaviour and the values that provide a framework for how they choose to live."""" This may mean encouraging them to think more carefully about how they use welfare benefits or arrange their care-giving so as not to disadvantage themselves, for example. It may also mean bringing home the house on time so everyone has a meal each evening even if they can’t afford one themselves. Moral development does not consist in lecturing or attempting to convert others but encouraging them to think for themselves and act accordingly. Social Development involves to know how to stand up for others; how to compromise, hold firm, listen and accept other people's opinions, and how to express views even if they conflict with those of others.````Social development may consist of learning how to spread the work you do, developing the skills and knowledge about work that you already possess, or learning new skills that will enable you to do more effective work. All have value and should be pursued as part of your professional development. However, personal development acknowledges the fact that different people respond to different processes. Thus, some methods of social development might be more appropriate for some people than others. Cultural development supports students to build global awareness and empathy for other cultures. They should challenge discrimination based on cultural or racial difference. They should experience cultural traditions embedded in arts, crafts, language, literature, theatre, song, music, dance, sport, Science, technology and travel. Cultural development in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) encourages students to develop critical thinking, creativity, problem solving and communication skills through experiential learning. This includes not only formal educational programs but experiential learning as well as networking and partnerships with other organizations. http://www.prayatnasoe.org/

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