Have you heard of a bicornuate uterus before?
Have you heard of a bicornuate uterus before?
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No, what's that?
Yes, I have this condition.
Heard of it, but not sure what it is.

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49 Replies
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I have no knowledge what it is

Never. What does it involve?

Super Mum

No. Never heard this before

VIP Member

I have this condition🙋🙋🙋

5y ago

How was your experience so far? I also have the same and my baby is on the left side. Im on my early stage of second trimester.

UB vv8ivvq. qvaaschu

Needs more education

VIP Member

no whats that about

VIP Member

no, what's that?

VIP Member

What’s that..?

VIP Member

no,what thats,,