It's been almost 3 weeks since my daughter started her nursing strike. Does anyone have any solution for this?

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Write a reply This website has many suggestions that I think u can use. While u try to get baby to want to nurse, u have to maintain a good supply via pumping and encourage baby to nurse in the baby's favorite position or try to sneak in latching when baby is half asleep. Don't be stress about it as it will turn baby off. Has the baby been able to drink am effectively from your boobs to begin with? WAs there a change in ur diet that might have cause baby to be upset about it and thus still resisting? Try to ready urself, latch often and use warm application to help have a faster let down or u might want to stimulate ur boobs first so that ur let down is here and baby can have faster reward for latching

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How old is your child? Is she taking formula as well?

9y ago

Ebm as in expressed bm? Have you considered changing the teat of the bottle? If there's no significant change to your diet that affects the taste of your bm, perhaps there has been certain changes on ur child's diet or even schedule? At 7.5months she would have started solids, is she over fed on solids? Try adjusting the quantity or the meal time and also the bottle, maybe a sippy cup or straw cup?