2 Replies

Go to poly ask for referral and let the doctor know. They will give a referral letter for u go to emergency department (if they deem u required urgent care) at yr preferred hosp on the same day. I just got referred on Monday due to other reasons. But it is still possible to be a subsidize patient just that it'll be a long exhausting day for u.

Thanks! Your reply was helpful... I heeded your advice just that I went to Chas accredited GP instead of poly and managed to get the KKH subsidised rate when I went to the Urgent O&G unit. Dr. gave Duphaston yst day. However, I am still having spotting even after duphaston. is this normal?

I too had 3 days of spotting when it was supposed to be time for my period. Stopped after that. Then I took the pregnancy test and it showed up positive. I suspect it’s what they call ‘implantation bleed’ but really not sure.

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