6months refuse to eat / baby led weaning

My baby recently turned 6months and I was excited to start her baby led weaning journey. I noticed she has the motor skills like picking up things and putting in her mouth and tries to reach for food when at the table. However now that I’m offering her, she’s either uninterested or spits them out. I tried both fine purée to solid finger foods. Everyone is stressing me out telling me she’ll be underweight if I don’t force feed her. Even if I did she just refuses. I don’t want her to have a bad perception on food. Any advice? Is this normal? #baby6bulan #babyledweaning #PureeFood

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As for me, my daughter started her first meal on 5m25d. I noticed the same on her motor skills but I decided to delay blw. I'd rather feed her puree first and proceed to blw next month. She's in the midst of teething as well hence everything she sees will be in her mouth. I usually feed her and let her play with her food at the end of her meal. 😅😅 You shouldn't be stressfull as 6months eating routine is just a sensory skill. I remind myself daily on this and milk is still her core diet. My daughter only eats 1 1/2 tbsp of meal once daily, everyone is stressing me to increase her meal intake. You do what's best for your daughter and watch for her hunger cues. 6-7months old meal is not for her tummy to be full, merely just for practicing her sensory skills. "Play with food and be messy" Till today, my daughter gags on fine puree so I have to change her texture similar to 7months old puree. Every baby is different. 🙂🙂

Baca lagi
1y ago

This is so true !! Good sharing 😄