Baby fingernails

Hi all.. my baby is 8mths old.. has beeen struggling to cut his fingernails ever since.. he has been scratching n hurt his face quite often.. (parents faces as well) I have tried using the trimmer but to no avail.. it doesnt work.. still sharp nails. Used the normal baby clipper but he pulled his hands away..even during his sleep.. any other nail clipper which is safe for him? Pls help..

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Super Mum

Have you tried the electric nail file / buffer? Cause clippers / scissors still have sharp edges. Nowadays I can only trim when my LO is watching YouTube 😓

4y ago

oh yes did try but not good.. baby get scared of the sound..

Super Mum

I use normal baby clipper. I ask my hubby distract him with a toy , so she’s focus on daddy & I faster cut.

I used scissors n quickly do it when he is in deep sleep- example afternn naps

Use nail trimmer