Hi all my baby is 7 months 3 weeks old. He has been waking up several times (at least 3-4 times) and sometimes might sit up or be on all fours in the middle of the night. He can't be soothed back to sleep, will cry quite badly and loudly (as if in pain). The only way to soothe him back to sleep is to latch him. Anyone facing the same problem? Is it normal?

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Yes i do face this problem too and i think it's rather common as some of my friends's infants are like that too. Night terrors may occur due to several reasons like not getting enough sleep, being overtired when going to bed, having upset stomach or breathing problems or some bad experience during the day or unknown reasons. For me, i just try to: Try to keep consistent time for bed and naps will help to regulate her sleep patterns. Set up some sorts of bedtime routine like playing some music, reading her a bedtime story, giving her her a gently massage or giving a warm bath if necessary Since your baby is not fully awake during night terror, he will not acknowledge your presence hence when your baby wakes up after having a nightmare, you can try to soothe or latch her to calm her down. I think it takes awhile for them to sleep throughout. So we just have to be patient and wait for this day. My child is 2 yr plus now and at time she still faces this problem. So we just have to be patient to wait for this day to be over.

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