2 Replies

Hi mummy, I wouldn’t worry.. I think it’s pretty normal as babies are always changing and growing. Her latch time could be shorter coz she’s more efficient at it, or perhaps she’s just not that hungry these few days. Or if you have started solids, then she may not need to drink so much milk anymore. I had similar experiences when I breastfed my son last time but I still successfully managed to do it for 2 years and he’s fine. One way to check on the nutrients is that she’s continuing to gain weight and not losing. But most importantly, it is to see how your baby is reacting. If after 3-6 minutes of latch baby is happy, contented and satisfied, then trust her and your mother’s instinct! But if she’s still fussy, crying and unhappy, then it could be that she’s still hungry and wants to latch longer/drink more. Good luck!

Maybe you can try EBM to bottle or FM while alternate with direct latch. Maybe that helps. Though having 8 to 10 diapers a day is good however sometimes can be worrying for some mummies if baby's not drinking alot. Though they latch 5 to mins at a very long interval of hours

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