3 Replies

Hi there! It sounds like your baby might be going through a growth spurt. Growth spurts can cause babies to have increased or decreased appetites, so it's completely normal for her to drink less than usual right now. Keep offering her the breast or bottle regularly, and try not to worry too much if she doesn't finish her usual amount. Just make sure she's having plenty of wet diapers and seems generally content. If she continues to drink significantly less than usual for more than a couple of days, or if you're concerned about her overall well-being, it's always a good idea to check in with your pediatrician. Hang in there, mama! Your baby is growing and changing so quickly at this stage. https://invl.io/cll6she

Growth spurts usually will increase intake not decrease, can it be due to teething (discomfort on gums)?


i attribute any similarities in my kidz to their growth spurt

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