18 Replies

always been anxious about ADHD i am afraid my daughter has this condition... I want to run professional observation but my husband said i overthink too much. He said it's normal for my daughter to exhibit these behaviors at this age (1,8 yo)... she can't sit while eating.... lack focus... get easily distracted 😭

SOrry to go annonymously... Doc... I have 2 kids, one with ADHD (the older one. now he's 7 yo). My other son (4 yo) always seem to feel left out because I spend so much time focusing on my older son. How can I explain this situation to both children?

Hi Doc.... What are early signs of ADHD in toddlers or preschoolers, that we, parents, can observe? How can I tell if my child's behavior is normal? For example... my son likes to run around the house unstoppably.

Doc... How can I tell if my child’s behavior is just typical energetic kid behavior or if it might be ADHD? Sometimes I get anxious thinking about this. My kid is a very energetic boy. 19 months old

My daughter (3,5 yo) has trouble sitting still and paying attention, but only in certain situations like when eating... or doing something like drawing. Could it be ADHD doc???

Questions doc... If there is someone in the family who has ADHD, should I be more vigilant in looking for symptoms in my son? How strong is the genetic link?

does this apply to adults too. because sometimes i feel like i ave ADHD 😂😂😂😂😂😂 never had any professional assessment before.

Doc is it possible for a child to have ADHD but STILL performing well academically?

I've heard ADHD can present differently in girls than in boys... is it true doc???

Thank u asian parent for hosting this session with ADHD topic!!!!!!

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