3 Replies

This must be so hard for u. I sent mine at 4mth as I had to return to work,but I wished I could've kept my baby at home longer. The baby will inevitably fall sick a lot. Their immune systems are not developed properly yet. At the same time, there isn't much medicine they can take beside paracetamol and a nasal drip. I hope your baby is healthy, but do be mentally prepared on how frequent the baby can fall sick. Prep plenty of fever patches as well. All the best to u and your baby

Sent my son at 2 months, started him on half day for about 2 weeks (if you are able to). First week I realize that he was so tired when he got home after only half day of school and would nap for very long after school. After 2nd week he adapted and was less tired and eventually went for longer hours - full day. But so far my baby never cry but I feel like crying lol. When he got used to it, he smiles to teacher whenever I send him so it makes me feel better. Now all is well.

Sent mine at 2 months too due to limited slot. Itll be hard on the mummy for the first week cause youll be crying and missing baby alot (lets be realistic). But trust the teachers, trust that she’ll be in good hands! My bb now 11 months enjoys school, sometimes cry dont want to go back. Always communicate with teachers during drop off and pickup for info or updates on your bb. Oh and theyll fall sick very frequently due to low immune system, be prepared to take aloooot of leave!

The most common ones are viral fever (last 3-5 days), hfmd once outbreak, very hard not to get, the ever never ending cough and runny nose

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