Giving birth at Mount Alvernia

Anyone gave birth at Mount A recently can share what do they provide? I'm at my 37 weeks packing my hospital bag but dont wanna overpacked! Should I just bring a luggage or a bagpack will do. Please help! Thank you!! #1stimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp #pregnancy #advicepls

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I can’t advise on Mount A, but I gave birth at TMC… went with a big bag and only used… 1 x Kotex overnight panties during discharge Charger Marriage certificate, admission paper, invoices & ic. Breast pump (For LC to teach me how to use, and since I’m not into latching, I had to pump to stimulate milk) I wore back the outfit I went in with & baby wore the hospital’s as the outfit I brought was too big.

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3y ago

Hi yup they do provide gowns during your stay :) If dirty just request for them to change for you.