Anyone brought your LO to any TCM to help with colic? I'm desperate to try anything which can help with her gassy tummy and witching hour.

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My Baby have very bad colic that he have been in 2 times to KKH to seek medical help. Both time my Baby was offered only ridwind to easy him. The nurses and medical team in the ward suggested n taught me to burp Baby properly(sometime we burp 3 to 4 times) aft his Every feeds. We were also taught to carry him in upright position for about 20 to 30 minutes to help him reduce the chance for the colic to set in. We oso brought him to see specialist and He advice the same and told us it may last till he reach 5 months old(and it was true enuf). Try to give him the "I Love U" massage to make Baby feels better.

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My LO had very bad colic when she's 2months too! I gave her ridwind and gripe water everyday, massage her then she got better..

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I gave my LO some gripe water and also apply ru yi you everytime after bathing .

Rid wind works!