Any mummies breastfeeding and yet come menses the first time after delivery? I am having super heavy flow for the passed 3 days, is this normal? It's really annoying as I have stain my panties for the passed 3 days as well ~

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Hi! A lot of my friends started having their periods while still breastfeeding. According to this article (, how soon a woman’s period return is affected by quite a number of factors. And quite a few mentioned the same issue of having heavy flow as well.

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I have this problem too but is normal cos you have carry your baby 10months never have menses. so the first 3months will be heavy flow. I have first menses after my delivery the flow is going to 8days.

8y ago

So many days ~ I feel so moody

I dun think it is menses .. It could be the lochia (post partum). It usually goes off 4-6 weeks or maybe longer (it depends)

had the same issue and it also lasted 8 days for me. talked to my gynae about it and he say it's normal for bf mum to have menses.

it's lochia not menses... I had it for close to 8 weeks.. but my menses didn't return till my boy turn 20 months as I was breastfeeding

8y ago

How to know whether mine is menses? Cause after that one time menses last month, this month one was late till now I don't have menses~

Its normal! i do get heavy flow every month for first 2-3 days. parts and parcel of being a woman T_T