4 Balas

Hi sis... here's a good article to read: https://my.theasianparent.com/14-tips-on-how-to-increase-your-breast-milk-supply and here's another one in BM: https://my.theasianparent.com/makanan-tambah-susu-badan Best of luck!

VIP Member

Sama mcm anak sy.. Dr 1tahun dia mmg makan kurang... Susu x mnum tp just bf je.. Itu pn kjp je sbb 2thun dh x bf.. Skrg dh msk 4 thun lbh, bdn mmg kecil

kakak minum ckup air x? @ stress?

Dia bnyak minum susu segar and dia bnyak pikir takut anak dia lapor

VIP Member

Minta akak minum susu kurma utk banyakkan susu badan

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