Fengshui master for baby name
Am looking for a fengshui master for my baby girl's Chinese name. Anyone has any recommendations?

Master Seah (谢师父) Tel: 62951616 Email: [email protected] Address: 809 French #02-204/206 Singapore 200809 (near ICA) Think he charges around $150 Heard some good feedback on his services. For selection of baby names, you will need to provide the following information: - parents' full names, respective dates and times of birth - baby's date and time of brith You can then choose from a list of words that he suggests to form your baby's name.
Read moreI recommend Yuan Zhong Siu. They have many outlets in Singapore. http://fengshuiyzs.com/?page_id=94&lang=en I have used them for my baby naming. After you delivered your baby, you simply message them your baby's birth date and time. They will typically get back within the next 2 days via email with a brief description of your baby's 命 and a choice of 9 Chinese names to choose. As of last year, they charge $168 for this service.
Read moreCan try out Master Goh from Way fengshui at fu lu shou complex. He is very detailed in his explanation and goes the extra mile.. He has a lite version of names only with a whole list of names for you to choose starting from $168 before gst and more intensive package till C-sect date selection plus name packages.. Tel: 63383800 www.wayfengshui.com
Read moreMaster Chan from Fengshui Master Pte Ltd provides an informative article regarding the selection of Chinese names for babies and of course, you can engage his services for other fengshui related matters. Read about it all here: http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/service/babyname/ His email is [email protected]
Read morePromo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di https://shope.ee/9UfEMMqqTg (id-1825)
Master SC Chan http://www.sgbabyname.com Auspicious Chinese Name Selection Service at $120 Nett Chinese Name Analysis ($60) Date Selection for Birth Registration ($30) https://youtu.be/9huvH1civ2Y
Read moreMy 4 kids name was done by Master Kevin Foong. It is done in traditional Chinese characters which you have 4 sets to choose from. You can find him at https://www.kevinfoongcg.com/
We love the baby chinese name by this master. We saw a lot of good reviews be it baby name or changing chinese name that's why we try it out. Yuan Metaphysics 8820 7782
You can try the contact here - he will give you many options of baby name. $100

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