4 Replies

My 10 day old baby is the same. It's called cluster feeding. They seek comfort while latching. Not gonna introduce him to pacifier yet as he is a preemie and have high jaundice so I have no choice but to keep feeding him to lower down his jaundice. I also bottle feed him with fm but not as much as I latch him. When my husband takes over in the morning then he'll bottle feed him. I also pump my milk and freeze them then feed him also.

He’s latching for comfort. It’s not that he’s hungry. For me, I gave my baby girl pacifier. Either you introduce pacifier or let your baby find something to self soothe.

Hmmm, maybe can try to use baby carrier when u wanna do work around the house. I did that when mine was younger as he constantly wants attention

Do you mind bottle feed? Otherwise you try pump and change bottle feed. Mine since born already behave this way so had been bottle feed from then

Ok i try pump at night feed him in the noon :) see if he rejects

when a baby get used to that it is too hard to stop it, I had hard time with my son.

I better stop what i do already :(

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