Help! Kid has habit of tearing and destroying delicate items

My almost 3yr old boy has recently started to destory and tear of items like books,his own craft items, sometimes precious pictures,I am looking for suggestion how to train him to not do it ans understand the value of his belongings

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Super Mum

Every action is a form of communication, it might not be possible to teach him the value of things this early on but you should try to figure out what he's trying to communicate. Is he doing it out of curiosity and shows interest in tearing stuff? Give him a book you don't care about for tearing. Is he doing it when he's frustrated? Teach him to voice out his feelings (say "I am frustrated") instead of destroying things.

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4y ago

Yes I tried mutiple times when he was in good mood,he would tear the book in and out then repeat what I saw to him, " bad habit" "dont do it"

Finally found the answer,he wanted to it paper like his friends did,but since he couldn't use scissor properly yet like them,he thought tearing easier and never felt its wrong, bought him kids scissor at home now to practise and be more patient

Super Mum

Hmmm, just wondering, is he given the opportunity to practice tearing as a skill? Maybe the reason why he is doing this is he doesn’t have the chance to do so?

No even in class he tore a notice teacher mentioned and later got scolded for,for which he was sorry teacher said