1 Replies

Hi momma! You’re doing an amazing job with taking care of two. Best you can do is let her explore and express herself. Since you mentioned that her teacher had not said anything, you mr daughter might be suppressing this side of her at school and only does it at home (comfort zone) My son is the same. And I pregnant. So it’s like 2 fragile bodies at home for my husband. So what we have done is Environment - ensure the home is extremely safe (no sharp edges, padded play area, supervised playtime if we have young toddler or babies with him around to ensure he doesn’t “rough play” with them. Psychologically- We are approaching this with “our son isn’t aware of his strength yet and how it might hurt others around him so we supervise. He is too young to be disciplined, and we don’t wish to be too aggressive with him as it is after all not right (adult vs helpless child) so we approach gentle parenting. More rewarding to raise a gentle being. Also don’t want to regret or feel guilty screaming, shouting / canning. All the best momma ❤️ hang in there. There are more good days compared to bad playtime.

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