Increased Nuchal Translucency

Ada tak mommies kat sini doktor nampak mcm nuchal thickness baby tebal skit and refer to pakar. Masa scan tu 10w2d. Bila buat bacaan, NT scan supposedly buat week 11 to 13 before week 14 utk bacaan tepat. Worried tp dlm masa yg sama tahu both family takde any genetic problem and saya umur 31. Cuma pernah gugur before. And ada anyone yg pernah proceed dgn NIPT test tak? #Nuchal #ntscan #firstbaby #SeriusTanya

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kes saya. NT tebal, baby ada hydrop fetalis n cyst hygroma. terpaksa terminate baby on w13 tu. sbb air dh terlalu byk penuh paru2 n perut baby dah.

2mo ago

dr bt details scan. dia ckp mmg confirm baby sakit. no need spend duit bt test lain dh. sbb dr pon ckp baik terminate before baby dh ada roh