2 Balas

Darah nifas baru habis ke? Is mummy breastfeeding also? Sesetengah ibu haid kembali selepas habis darah nifas, and sesetengah lagi lepas 6 bulan or even setahun pun ada. Normally yg ambil masa tu bila ibu fully breastfeeding, or also due hormonal changes. And also kalau ibu start immediately pil perancang sebelum haid kembali also one of the reason period is delaying. Ibu ambil pil Noriday lepas consult dgn doctor ke? Ibu kena consult dgn doctor dulu kalau nak ambil pil perancang and dptkan nasihat doctor juga since your period is delayed. Juga take note, even lepas period kembali, jgn terkejut kalau period you x normal mcm dulu sebelum pregnant. Sbb due to hormonal changes, period akan ambil masa utk back to normal like before, depends not all mummies go through this. Better jumpa doctor ya regarding pil perancang and period delay for better explanation.

brpa bulan tk datang period ?

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