Home Emergencies
Accidents and injuries can happen even in our safest place called home. There are moments that happy times can turned into bad ones when we encountered it. I am enlightened as I learned that injuries are not accidents, they are preventable and predictable as Dr. Cecille Alinea said during the FAMHEALTHY webinar last May 5 brought to us by The Asian Parent Philippines and Sanofi Pasteur. The discussion focuses on how we keep our kids healthy and managing home emergencies. The common dangers at home has been tackled including the preventive measures we have to take when experienced choking, fall, drowning, burns, poisoning, and suffocation. Learning those from a professional is really of a great help for us parents as all we want is to protect and raise our children well. Do you have your own emergency/first aid kits at home mommies and daddies? What are your preventive measures at home? #SanofiActs #FamHealthy #theAsianparentLIVE #kidshealth #homeemergencies