39wks pregnant
39weeks today, still no sign of labor yet. This is my first pregnancy and I’m very worried. I don’t want to end up having c-sect.

Hi.. same goes to me. 39weeks+3 days now and no sign of labor yet. No cramps, and baby is still at a high position. Reaching a full term in few days time and doc advised me to wait till 40 weeks and by then must csect. Induced will be a slim chance bcs baby is still too high, so no point inducing for like 18 hrs and end up csect, cos the bill will be more expensive.. so i choose a date for csect at 40w+2 day..
Read moreDon’t worry too much.. i nearly had an induced too. But ended up my Water bag broke 5 days before my edd and i was in pain for 13 hours before my LO came to this world. Just relax urself and you’ll be fine! 🥰 please take care of urself too.
For my first pregnancy, baby didnt wanna come out till 41+5 days. Had to induced after that as 42 weeks is already approaching. Do not worry too much if you have any concern please check with your doctor. 😁
Don't worry . You still have one week to go. Some mum even go up to 41, 42 weeks. if you still have doubt .please ask from your doctor.
Mum of two boys