6 Replies

I didn't encounter it but my gynae mentioned that mucus plug is not a sign of impending labour, the variability of duration to labour is quite large like you pointed out. He asked me to look out for contractions and water bag breaking, as those are sure signs of labour coming soon. As you're pretty late into your pregnancy already, perhaps you can also ask your doctor at the next visit since appointments shd be more regular at this stage too. Hope you have a smooth and safe delivery!

My first pregnancy was losing mucus plug with fresh red blood tinged when I wiped after I pee. I proceed to bath and head down to hospital in about 1 hour time & had my first contraction in the car when I am about the reach the hospital. I am only 1cm dilated. Took total of 22hours to give birth after induce and breaking of water bag.

Depends. If this is your first pregnancy then it might take longer. Hours or probably days. It's unpredictable. You might also have start to dilate. Who knows

I lost mine at 35weeks, birth at 38. after u lose the plug, your body will try to replenish it till you go into labour dear

Hi, its my second pregnancy and last appointment with my gynea on Monday was 1cm. My Gynea ask to walk more.

Yes, that's the best thing. Walking does helps you to dilate. Alternatively you can do squats, climb stairs or curb walk.

It is better to contact your doctor.

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