For me better u ask for 2nd opinion. Mcm kes sy, 1st time checkup pakar hsptl; 34w dktr kata berat bby 1.8kg. Padahal masa 32w sy scan di luar berat dh 2kg. I asked the doc to check with her hand, tolak2 perut sy tgk ada nmpk mcm 1.8kg ke. Then the doc say its impossible. So dpt la repeat scan at 36w. Then sy dtg repeat scan 36w, tiba2 kata bby besar pula, 2.8kg. The doctor is different person. So I asked, knp dktr haritu ckp bby sy kecil? Hati ibu siapa tak risau kan. So yeah, the doctor apologize on behalf of her colleagues. Then sy scan di kk pula, lbh kurang sama dgn pakar. So sy puas hati.
scan 36 week 1.8kg..kuar 36 week jgk 2.3kg.kdg scan hnye anggaran