My 3.5 mth old sleeps at 10-11pm, wakes up for a night feed around 4am, sleeps till 7am for another feed and will continue sleeping till 10-11am. Is this schedule normal? I notice lots of parents giving their LO bedtime at 7-8pm. What time do they wake up in the morning?

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I started to put routine and structures in place for my secondborn at about 3.5 to 4 mths old. I place him to bed at 9, last feed at 8 or 830pm. He slept through till next morning 5am for another feed, then till 8.30am where he woke up for another feed. Play, bathe and morning walks. Then drank at 11am and zzz till 2 or 3pm. drank around 4 to 5pm then play and read. then his next feed will be 8 to 830pm. Currently at 2.5 yo, he still drinks milk at 830pm and sleeps at 9pm. His body alarm is auto already.

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9y ago

Is your bb formula fed or breast milk? If latching, do you nurse ur bb to sleep?

you should follow a 12h cycle to align your LO's circadian rhythm. for 3.5 months old, my boy did a 7am- 8pm cycle. are you nursing your child to sleep? because this sleeping pattern was quite similar to my boy until he learnt to sleep on his own at 4MO.

9y ago

I wrote a blog on sleep training (check and console):

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Mine is now 4mths old. Sleeps betw 8 to9pm. Wake up at ard 12-1am then 5-6am. Its quite normal time interval. U only wake up once which is really good

My LO has the exact same schedule as yours. On good days she wakes up at 6 or 7am instead and sometimes she sleeps ar 11 or 12