2yo boy having chicken pox. Besides doctor medication, is there anything else that can help with the itch? Advise n tips please. Heartbreaks everytime its itching him n crying. Went to doc but only given oral medication.
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Hi!!! I still remember my time when i get this chicken pox!! So my mum and grandma use this on me every single day.. it dries up and less itchy!! And ive no scars frm chicken pox!! You can try this, mix with cold water and just wipe all over. Its an old remedy which until now my family members still follows!
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hey mummies thanks for all the advise. My boy had recovered for about 5 days already. Doc certified his free from it. Only left the scars that needs to get rid. thanks again!
If you FIND your baby has chickenpox, you should contact DIRECTLY paediatrician, even if their rash and symptoms are mild