My 2 yr old has developed a taste for Papaya. However I am told that it leads to rashes? Is this true? What are the other benefits of papaya for a child?

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Papaya should be avoided by anyone with a latex allergy. Papaya allergies are rare and allergic reactions symptoms can include: - swelling or itching of the face, lips, tongue and throat - rashes that appear shortly after consumption - dizziness - difficulty swallowing - abdominal pain. When introducing papaya, please make sure to test the baby with 4 day test before feeding your baby regularly. With this method, you can make sure if your baby is allergic to papaya. Also seek medical advice as soon as possible if your baby has any of the above symptoms after eating papaya. However, for the vast majority of people, papaya is extremely beneficial and a very healthy addition to your baby's diet -- 1. Supply of essential vitamins and minerals: The presence of various vitamins and minerals in papaya makes it an ideal candidate for children and even infants under the age of 1 year to consume papaya. These vitamins and minerals are very much essential in bone development, brain development, immune development and the development of the whole body, between the tender months of infancy. 2. Prevention and remedies for various diseases: The presence of vitamin A promotes good eye sight, decreases the chances of developing night blindness, removal of growth disorders, etc. Thiamin or vitamin B is useful in strengthening heart muscles, intestinal muscles and skeletal muscles. Riboflavin is useful for proper brain development by strengthening of nerve cells. Niacin or vitamin B3 promotes the formation of new cells, repair of old and damaged hereditary information and promotes nervous and gastrointestinal health. The high calcium and magnesium content is needed for proper bone and dental health. The iron present in papaya is needed to maintain healthy hemoglobin levels and red blood cell count. 3. Improves digestion: Indigestion can be easily removed by eating papaya fruit. Generally, indigestion can be seen in infants and children due to their weak digestive system. By feeding your child with papaya, you can make sure that indigestion never bothers them. There have also been notes in historical writings about the experiences of Spanish soldiers who ate papaya fruit and their indigestion disappeared. 4. Natural laxative: Papaya consumption is also helpful in controlling constipation in the body. If your child is suffering from constipation, then give them papaya slices in the evening and after dinner. The dietary fiber present in papaya is ideal in clearing off bowels. 5. Anthelmintic properties: Infants and children usually face the issue of parasitic worms in the intestine. Different types of worms can infect a child’s gut and play hide and seek. Giving them a small amount of dried papaya seeds with honey can be useful in controlling parasitic intestinal worms. The enzyme cysteine proteinases found in the latex of papaya has also been noted to be an effective remedy against intestinal worms. 6. Controls skin ulcers: Papaya fruit is also useful as a dressing for skin ulcers and burns. The fruit dressing is also been known to be tolerant by children as well. The fruit pulp, when applied prevents burn infections. 7. Good for digestion: The enzyme papain found in papaya is very effective in breaking down complex food structures. It is generally used as a softener while cooking meat. Hence, it can help in breaking down complex foods that can be hard to digest for children. According to Livestrong, papain can be given in small doses for children with celiac disease where wheat gluten remains undigested and papain can helps in breaking down gluten, reducing the root cause of celiac disease. 8. Strengthens the immune system: A child’s immunity is another major area of concern for parents as well as pediatricians. Eating natural foods such as fruits and vegetables strengthens the immune system and fights against microbes invading the body. Papaya is one such fruit which has been actually proven to be effective in promoting and strengthening the immune system.

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Papaya (both the skin and fruit) contain an enzyme similar to latex that can trigger an allergic reaction in some individuals -- can cause itchiness or rashes. However, it seems that your baby is not allergic to papaya and developed a taste for the same. Also, moderation is the key to a healthy diet. An overdose of papaya can make your baby suffer from stomach aches. Papaya is a wonderful fruit with lots of goodness and health benefits to babies -- 1. Improves Digestion: Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that effectively breaks down complex food structures. Regularly feeding your baby 4-6 tbsp. of papaya can improve his digestion. 2. Boosts Immunity: A baby’s immune system is still developing and is not as strong as that of adults. Babies are prone to contracting infections and illnesses. Papaya is a rich source of Vitamin C. The essential nutrient helps strengthen the infant’s immune system and keep diseases at bay. 3. Heals Skin Sores: Papaya is a storehouse of Vitamin A, which helps protect skin from burns, ulcers, and sores. If your baby has a minor burn or a mild rash, you can topically apply papaya skin or pulp to reduce the burning sensation. 4. Aids Metabolism: Papaya is also rich in folate, which helps convert homocysteine into amino acids. Homocysteine can damage the walls of blood vessels and lead to a stroke. Offering papaya for baby can protect your little one from potential cardiovascular diseases in the future. 5. Prevents Colon Cancer: Studies prove that the high antioxidant and fiber content in papaya can help prevent colon cancer. 6. Cures Constipation: If your infant is suffering from constipation, try feeding him 4-6 tbsp. of mashed papaya twice a day. Papaya is rich in fiber and a natural laxative that can help regulate your baby’s bowel movement. It is an age-old home remedy for constipation. 7. Eliminates Intestinal Worms: Consuming just two spoons of papaya seed powder with honey daily can help your baby get rid of intestinal worms. Do not try this home remedy for babies who are less than a year old.

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