Baby refuse EBM but prefers to latch
My 2 mth old baby is on mix feed. He latches first before I feed him fm but refused to drink expressed milk that I have frozen and thawed. Anyone else facing the same issue? What do you do?

My baby sometimes is like tt, he'll get fussy with thawed BM but fine with breastfeeding or even fm in bottle. Suspect it cld be due to high lipase breastmilk tt changes the taste. You can read more of it here: For me, sometimes I add Ridwind into BM or heat it up to slightly above body temp. Baby is slightly less fussy aft tt and still drinks, tho takes longer to finish. Or sometimes aft pumping I'll mix fresh BM with some thawed BM at room temp. Baby takes it. It helps to mask the taste I think.
Read moreCould be high lipase issue. My LO also rejects my frozen stash. What you can do is mix the fresh one and the frozen one. (This didn’t work for my baby though). Now I always freeze freshly expressed milk. I will do milk math first. If the stash in the fridge is enough for a day’s meal, whatever I express after, I will freeze immediately after pump. This works. My baby now drinks my frozen bm. You can give it a try
Read moreYes, I've been freezing my fresh ebm immediately after pump. I suspect that my milk could be due to high lipase. And then I will thaw a pack overnight to feed the next day within 12 hrs. Maybe I should start mixing fresh & frozen ones.
my lo also the same.. doesn't like frozen emb.. it has a weird metallic taste so some babies don't like it.. I donated all the frozen ebm stash I had.. only pump to feed that day or the next day.
Ahhh.... I'm actually happy to know that I'm not alone. So sad after all the pumping but baby refuse to drink the ebm. Maybe I shouldn't give frozen ones.
I usually mix 40ml of frozen to 80 ml of refrigerated bm, lo can't sense it at night
Haven't done that. Probably will start doing the same today.