10 Replies

Thank you all. Yes, alhamdulillah I have safely delivered after 26 hrs of labour... Looking at my baby girl, all the pain disappeared.. ❤️❤️

Hi mummy, I’m over 40 weeks too and dr wanna induce me though both baby and me are doing fine…Can you share your experience of being induce? I’m so scared!

In Sha allah aamiin ... May Allah ease everything for you ! Relax and trust in allah ❤️

compose yourself clear your mind may Allah make it easy for you . aamin .

Don’t be steer , everything will turn out jus fine ! 😉

have a safe delivery! be strong! you can do it.

Don't be stress. God bless you and your baby.

you can do it mummy! be strong!

💪🏻 everything will go smooth.

have a safe delivery!!!


Safe delivery!!

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