5 Replies

For mine whole process took 6 hours. Check for dilation Insert pill Insert the tube for urine (idk what is it called) Contractions killing me so I took laughing gas as well as requested for epidural 3 hours later, Insert drip needle and given epidural Labour. Overall apart from contraction, everything was painless. (I was high on gas half of the time I couldn’t control my body although I can hear what is going on 😂)

Firstly they will check you, hook you up on drip and insert medication. Mummy don't worry too much, u can always ask for epidural to relieve the pain when it's unbearable or before it starts hurting. All the best. Have a smooth delivery.

going to be induced at 38+5 cause of GDM and i'm already feeling nervous. left with 1 more week, i keep praying baby come out naturally before so no need induce 😅

i will be induced this Wednesday at 36+2 . Wish me luck 🤞

All the best and stay strong!!

Thank you for the reply 🙏 💕

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