Hi mommies! Just want to ask if there are times din when you feel very sad and anxious? Is it just me and my hormones?

On my 12th week of pregnancy and my family’s still on denial stage about it. Not accepting and not that supportive. I’m trying to be strong for my baby and my partner. But sometimes, I just get really sad especially when I hear disheartening comments from my parents and older brother. I’m 27 btw. #firstbaby #advicepls

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If they're not supportive and tell you stuff that upset you, it's natural that you'd feel down. But these feelings can also be amplified by your changing moods because of the hormonal changes in your body. This also depends on how you personally feel about your pregnancy. I was in denial for the first few weeks of my pregnancy, too. It's our second baby and I really think it's too soon because our first kid just turned 2 last December, plus the fact that being pregnant during a pandemic puts me at higher risk as well. Seeing my OB and being able to talk to her made my pregnancy real for me. Finding out we're finally having a daughter made me so excited. How your family processes your pregnancy is up to them. Right now, your focus should be on your baby, and the family you're building with your partner. Other people (even family) will always have something to say about your life choices, your parenting, everything. No matter what you do, someone will always say you're doing something wrong. Let them talk, but do what you think is right for you and your family.

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