What's the most ridiculous superstitions you've heard from your mum?
Mine was if lady's panties are washed using washing machine, the whole family will be bankrupt because women have menses, and menses blood is dirty. So everybody uses the washing machine and it will affect the men's luck in the household. Even when you're pregnant, you're supposed to squat down and wash your panties yourself because everybody uses the sink, and that will affect the luck as well. #superstitions #randomtalk
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Hi all, want to check as I heard some superstitions regarding house works during pregnancy. We are preparing for nursery and have to sell away some furniture. Some items need to dismantle/set up/move out. Is it OK for me to be in the hse? asking as I have only heard abt no drilling into wall etc... what about using screwdriver to dismantle or set up stuff ( not done by me) #pregnancy #superstitions #mums
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