(Post by Daddy) My wife was admitted on Saturday for the induction of labor at 37w3d. As of now while writing this post, four doses of induction has been completed, but no consistent contractions yet and dialated only about 2cm until last night. We're about to go for the assessment of dialation and to decide on the next steps in some time. The next possible option is to break the amniotic sac in order to induce the labor to give natural birth, but thinking of the next few hours makes us worried about her labor and delivery. Hope everything falls in place and thus, the delivery happens naturally. Please pray for both Mommy and Baby's health, and for their delivery to go smoothly. #1stimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp #induction #labor #delivery #deliveryday
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Electronic Fetal Monitoring during labour
Hi, I'm curious to know if hospitals here do continous or intermittent electronic fetal monitoring and which hospital does which? If mums could share the experiences pls ie which hospital you were at and whether the electronic fetal monitoring belt was strapped on you continously or intermittently. If continously, at what dilation was this done? I understand that continous electronic fetal monitoring would limit mother's movements during labour. Like mum wouldn't even be able to turn to her side. Keen to know experiences. Thanks in advance #firsttimemom #advicepls #FTM #labor
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