Every week i get to hear this, “wow baby can recognized mama alr, wow baby smile to mama alr, wow baby really can start recognizing own mother leh!!” All this remarks by my mil. Other than that, mil will asked me to open my arm out to baby to test if baby only want mummy to carry hug hug.. how do you expect a 6 months baby to be able to do so?? To be honest, I have been taking care of my baby since day 1 birth and why is it so surprised for own child to be able to recognize own mother? Unless I seldom take care of my baby?? I dont know.. I just feel slightly triggered and annoyed by such remarks repeatedly mentioned every week when she came over. I dont know what kind of mentality is she having? #justranting
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Any other fellow healthcare workers on this forum working on rotating shift basis ? I've been considering to request for a change of department during this period . I believe my reasons are strong enough to justify that ; 1) before I was expecting I was having hand issue ( tendonitis , synovitis at my wrist area , did an MRI last year it shows I have a tear - however I have not proceed for surgery ) 2) Now I am still in my first trimester - I do feel that my body clock is kind of upside down 🤷🏻♀️ not tolerable in doing night shifts not just this being in an inpatient setting; lotsa physical demands 😔😣 till my hand , back hurts . When at work it can be super frustrating demanding patients u name it Even the most trivial req from them really kind of piss me off . I wonder how other preggy healthcare workers cope 😔 #No_bully #justranting #justasking
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Anybody else facing issues with breastfeeding similar like mine? Currently 4weeks pp and I'm getting kind of tired(mentally & physically)keeping up with the pumping schedule & latching at the same time. Adding on to the issue that I'm a low supply mum as well. Only able to yield 30ml from both breasts in 1 session. People say that the milk will kick in eventually and I have been eating lactating cookies, lactating tea, milk boosters, drinking 2l of water but doesn't seem to boost milk much. Also spending all that money to boost my milk ultimately is way more than just buying formula. Which is kind of counter productive for me because at the end of it my bmilk is still so little, haha. I've been latching bb on demand but still topping up with formula because she will cry after every session. And she will cry murder. Doesn't help that bb still can't latch well so I'll have pain/soreness/cracked/bleeding nips after latching her 😮💨 (Yes, I've apply nipple cream before after bf) People around me have been questioning why my bmilk is not much and I don't know how to answer that? Maybe you can ask my boobs or something? Such a sucky feeling knowing my friend is able to yield 150ml per pump session just 2days pp. I just want to cry knowing this. I hate that breastfeeding is put on such a high pedestal in the society such that if you as a mum is not able to do it, you will be seen as a failure. Hais. Maybe I'm just exhausted and need 24 hour sleep to shake off this feeling. #firstbaby #justranting #postpartum
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#justranting Hey all, I'm currently 7 weeks post partum and these feelings have slowly creep up. Wondering if any mums feels the same way. People say newborn is the easy stage but why am I not experiencing it. Bb has been a crier since born. Doesn't sleep well at night. Screams murder spontaneously. I'm not able to differentiate between hunger cry/gassy cry etc. So its always an anxious time for me whenever she cries. I've gotten gastric from the anxiety I've tried to follow wake windows so she will have a good night sleep but doesn't seem to work. Because I don't know how she will react, I've become so scared of bringing bb to go out. I've been staying home so much because the anxiety is just crippling me. The thought of her crying uncontrollably while outside is just something I can't seem to look past. Whenever I see parents with their newborns strolling outside calmly and happily, I'm always wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Why is my bb not as such. What am I not providing for her. Hais. I hope this phase will pass soon. I'm just not enjoying this stage
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