Difficulty walking and sitting at week 37
Hi mummies, is having a multitude of pain (groin, leg and backache) normal at week 37? I'm having extreme difficulty walking and sitting without limping slowly or with assistance :( i went KKH to check but they sent me home because my cervix hasn't dilated and I'm not having active contractions. #firstbaby #pleasehelp #1stimemom #advicepls #pain #week37 #thirdtrimester #labour #pregnancy #delivery #FirstTime #FTM #advice
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Childcare- building trust towards teacher in looking after our children in their care
My 18 months boy been crying whenever i send/fetch him to school. On a few occasions...teacher would feedback to me saying that he refuse to eat the food served at school. So i was thinking maybe he prefer home cooked meals..so i packed some and informed teacher. But same thing as per feedback by teachers- he refused to eat. Surprisingly, when at home, he got no issue. Can ask for a second serving of porridge and snacks too. So my question is how do teachers feed the LO who requires supervision in mealtimes. Do they even bother to coax LO? #worried#firsttime#childcare
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