Who need a listening board? If you need a listening ears or someone to rant out or someone to listen to your problem so you can feel better and not stress? I'm open to help as i know many mummies go thru post depression without realizing or without knowing and not many can afford counsellor session as it is costly and mostly they will refer to IMH which frankly not a good thing. Hands out for vote if you need my listening board? #depressionisreal
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#depressionisreal I’m currently working in a childcare and the measures put in place seems lacking whenever there are positive cases in my school. The new measures says that there is no need for QO anymore. I am feeling so scared to get covid as all the children in school are unvax. 😩 really wanna quit my job but then I would be in financial difficulties if I do so as I’m pregnant. Over the past two weeks, my workplace has a few cases of children being covid positive already ☹️
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My lo just turn one month and currently one month and 2 weeks. She's about 6 weeks now For the past few days, she's been very cranky. No matter what I do it doesn't please her. Change her diapers, feed her, put her to sleep but she still cry. I don't think it's colic as I burp her after every feed. Any idea how to calm her down or why she's like that? I starting to feel distant from my baby for a couple of days, due to lack of sleep and I have been super duper mentally exhausted. No one really helped me at home. Idk how to handle this already I'm starting to lose myself. I'm just worried I do anything that will hurt my lo. #1stimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp #advicepls #depressionisreal
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Rant... Should I let my mil take care of my baby
The initial plan was for my mil to take care of my baby when I go back to work. However, after she temporarily stay with us for the past month, I start to worry. She doesn't seem to want baby to be close to me. Everytime I carry baby she will want me to pass to her or put him in the rocker. When I want to wake him for feeding, she will want me to let him sleep so she can continue to take care of him. Yet she can wake him up to play. Everytime I want to be close to baby, she will ask me to go do other things. Very double standard... I am also direct latching my baby which she keeps on want me to pump out let her feed. A couple of times, i was latching baby and she will just open the door despite my husband telling her not to do so. Recently baby is in the leap week and clings to me. My mil was not happy and kind of blame me and compare my baby with my sil (her daughter) kids. I start to worry if I really let her take care. Will she make my baby closer to her than me... #firstbaby #advicepls #depressionisreal
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