Dear Mommies, I delivered my baby through C sect, 10 weeks ago. Recovery so far has been good, however, I've been feeling pinching & burning sensation inside of my stomach around the incision area, specially on the left side. Wanted to know if it's normal? Any suggestion to relieve it? TIA #advicepls #Csection #mom
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i had a csection 5 weeks ago, i felt better after 2 weeks, now it is starting to hurt again. idk if it is menses cramp, or what but it is on and off. comes and goes. worse when getting out of bed/walking. lying down in certain position, while latching baby. #advicepls #csection #postcaesar
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I had csect 3 months ago but I have been having tailbone pain. It was bad in the first month, I cldn't sit for long. My doc told me to do some exercises and it will go away. But I'm still having this pain now. It gets hard esp during breastfeeding. Wonder if anyone felt such tailbone pain before? My backache is also quite bad. Not sure if it's due to the epidural injection. Massage doesn't help, wonder if it's safe to go for chiro? #1stimemom #firstbaby #Csection
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C section Gynae Recommendation
Hi, I am a newly pregnant first time mom looking to deliver via C-section in Mount Elizabeth or Gleneagles. I will be grateful for any recommendation for a gynae good at C-section stitching who can deliver at these hospitals. Thank you in advance for helping this clueless new mom. #firsttimemom #pleasehelp #csection
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